Thursday, December 6, 2007

Nike SB Classics Dan Murphy

I have a love/hate relationship with the Nike. Regardless that I'm not thrilled to have them in action sports (see here for my marketing blog post), they do make some cool kicks.

While I'm not a fan of seasonal sneakers like my Jersey brother Hugh is (he loves these Banksgiving Air Insurgents... I have no idea why), I'm not going to lie and say I don't buy their products. I will tell you I've skated in Dunks before and they didn't hold up great, but these kicks I bought purely for fashion reasons.

Out of my closet are my Nike Air SB Classics Dan Murphy editions. I bought them purely for style reasons and it was well worth the $70.

These are not box fresh. I wear them. Often. They're super comfy, a rad fade with the paint and a cool little dog on the back heel.

Add in an ok insole that may actually hold up to skating.

But again, I don't skate in them, I just chilllll. Probably like most people I see wearing Nike SB's.

Like'em? Hate'em? Let me know.


Unknown said...

Thanks for the props. I'm more a fan of the Zoom Oncore BMX LEs though...

Unknown said... $500 pesos nuevos en caja en el 2007