In another life, I worked for a "mobile social network" as their director of PR. You probably received countless text messages and emails from them. Sorry, not my doing. I resigned after six months.
Anyway, I do believe in mobile (cell phone) applications. People tend to hate and say "I'll never want to X, Y & Z on my cell phone." Well, normally, you wouldn't, but you have to factor in the time and place, which most people don't.
This brings me to the Zee Mote.

Now you're probably saying that you'd never want to play games on your mobile phone, so this is useless. Again, I say it's the right time and place. For example, Slingbox and Orb let you watch TV on your phone. Normally, I wouldn't want to watch TV on my phone. I'll never call anyone up to watch the big game or hacky sack invitationals on my shitty Motorola Q (don't buy it). But, if I'm stuck in the airport and the only thing on is Sportscenter, Orb's free media-shifting service becomes pretty darn appealing.
Same with the Zeemote. It's not a Wii killer, it's an alternative time killer, such as the paperback book or Walkman (remember those?). No one said Walkman's would sound as good as the stereo in your home, but since you're not home, you make do.
Disclosure: In another life, my mother used to be on the same bowling team as someone who works at Zeemote. When we grew up, we used to go out in Huntington and drink bad beer then eat chicken rings from White Castle. I'm neither an investor or have any stake in Zeemote.