Monday, March 31, 2008

Localism is lame

I have fond memories of chasing kids from Smithtown away from the Taco Bell in Commack, because those were our curbs and if you didn't wax them, you couldn't ride them. And before Vernon Valley was Mountain Creek, if I caught you hitting my little side booter that I spent 30 minutes digging, I'd steal your ankle straps when you locked up your board for lunch.

Wait... I didn't do any of that. That'd be stupid.

I understand the notion of respecting people in the water and I realize how it can be annoying and/or dangerous when inexperienced riders get in the water. However, surfers should understand the idea that they don't own the oceans and didn't build the beaches.

I know this is a very unpopular stance and I'm ok with that. Feel free to disagree and be wrong.

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