Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Is 7-11 Going Green With their Coffee?

Coffee is something a lot of people are passionate about. I'm new to the coffee world (about a year), but in my former life in NYC I used to have two Diet Cokes in the morning to get going, so I understand the need for caffeine.

Anyway, down the blog are two places to get coffee, a little shop and 7-11. I actually prefer 7-11 most days, primarily because:
1. They say hi when I walk in. The coffee shop I went to for six months and they looked at me like I had never been there before.
2. They're quick.

Anyway, what always bummed me out about 7-11 coffee was that it came in Styrofoam cups, which aren't rad for the environment. I have my own cup, but when i need an XL jolt, I usually buy one of theirs.

Today I discovered they're phasing out the Styrofoam, at least in the 24 ounce size.

The only drawback I see is that these cups get hotter and require those little sleeves to keep from burning your hands. Is that more/worse waste than the Styrofoam? I'm not sure and too lazy to look, BUT, i can re-use the sleeves, so maybe that'll be better.

Of course, I'm sure 7-11 is far from being the leader in green. Heck, the lights are always on! But as my friends at Arbor told me once, it's all about shades of green. 7-11 is doing their bit and hopefully it'll go further.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

congrats on your first post. and i just posted the first comment ever on StyleWhisperer... I win I win!!! I'll be second-hand famous when you're a blogging icon.